You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
1.9 KiB

  1. ;
  2. ;
  3. ; comment:
  4. ; #363355 -> 61
  5. ; keyword:
  6. ; #dda69f -> 181 (138)
  7. ; number, string:
  8. ; #ca887e -> 174 (173)
  9. ; title, section, name, selector-id:
  10. ; #b3afd9 -> 146 (146)
  11. ; attribute, variable, type:
  12. ; #be85c0 -> 139 (140)
  13. ; symbol, link:
  14. ; #d6a2d8 -> 182 (182)
  15. ; builtin, deletion:
  16. ; #969c77 -> 108 (108)
  17. ; formula-bg:
  18. ; #211f37 -> 16 (17)
  19. [base]
  20. default = none
  21. unknown-token = 124
  22. commandseparator = 146
  23. redirection = none
  24. here-string-tri = 138
  25. here-string-text = bg:25
  26. here-string-var = 140,bg:25
  27. exec-descriptor = 140
  28. comment = 61
  29. correct-subtle = bg:55
  30. incorrect-subtle = bg:52
  31. subtle-bg = bg:17
  32. secondary = clean
  33. recursive-base = 186
  34. [command-point]
  35. reserved-word = 138
  36. subcommand = 182
  37. alias = 140
  38. suffix-alias = 140
  39. global-alias = bg:17
  40. builtin = 173
  41. function = 140
  42. command = 108
  43. precommand = 138
  44. hashed-command = 140
  45. single-sq-bracket = 173
  46. double-sq-bracket = 173
  47. double-paren = 138
  48. [paths]
  49. path = 182
  50. pathseparator =
  51. path-to-dir = 182,underline
  52. globbing = 138
  53. globbing-ext = 141
  54. [brackets]
  55. paired-bracket = bg:blue
  56. bracket-level-1 = 173
  57. bracket-level-2 = 177
  58. bracket-level-3 = 220
  59. [arguments]
  60. single-hyphen-option = 140
  61. double-hyphen-option = 140
  62. back-quoted-argument = none
  63. single-quoted-argument = 173
  64. double-quoted-argument = 173
  65. dollar-quoted-argument = 173
  66. [in-string]
  67. ; backslash in $'...'
  68. back-dollar-quoted-argument = 146
  69. ; backslash or $... in "..." (i.e. variable in string)
  70. back-or-dollar-double-quoted-argument = 140
  71. [other]
  72. variable = none
  73. assign = none
  74. assign-array-bracket = 182
  75. history-expansion = blue,bold
  76. [math]
  77. mathvar = 140
  78. mathnum = 173
  79. matherr = 124
  80. [for-loop]
  81. forvar = 140
  82. fornum = 173
  83. ; operator
  84. foroper = 147
  85. ; separator
  86. forsep = 182
  87. [case]
  88. case-input = 140
  89. case-parentheses = 17
  90. case-condition = bg:25