- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # This file runs the highlighter on a specified file
- # i.e. parses the file with the highlighter. Outputs
- # running time (stderr) and resulting region_highlight
- # (file parse.out, or $2 if given).
- #
- # Can be also run in line-wise mode on own input (-o
- # option in $1), no region_highlight file then.
- #
- [[ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]] && exec /usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/zsh-5.5.1 -f -c "source \"$0\" \"$1\" \"$2\" \"$3\""
- ZERO="${(%):-%N}"
- if [[ -e "${ZERO}/../fast-highlight" ]]; then
- source "${ZERO}/../fast-highlight"
- source "${ZERO}/../fast-string-highlight"
- fpath+=( "${ZERO}/.." )
- elif [[ -e "../fast-highlight" ]]; then
- source "../fast-highlight"
- source "../fast-string-highlight"
- fpath+=( "$PWD/.." )
- elif [[ -e "${ZERO}/fast-highlight" ]]; then
- source "${ZERO}/fast-highlight"
- source "${ZERO}/fast-string-highlight"
- fpath+=( "${ZERO}" )
- elif [[ -e "./fast-highlight" ]]; then
- source "./fast-highlight"
- source "./fast-string-highlight"
- fpath+=( "./" )
- else
- print -u2 "Could not find fast-highlight, aborting"
- exit 1
- fi
- zmodload zsh/zprof
- autoload is-at-least chroma/-git.ch
- setopt interactive_comments extendedglob
- # Own input?
- if [[ "$1" = "-o" || "$1" = "-oo" || "$1" = "-ooo" || "$1" = "-git" || "$1" = "-hue" || "$1" = "-hol" ]]; then
- typeset -a input
- input=()
- if [[ "$1" = "-o" ]]; then
- input+=( "./parse.zsh ../fast-highlight parse2.out" )
- input+=( "rm -f parse*.out" )
- input+=( "./mh-parse.zsh ../fast-highlight > out" )
- input+=( "if [[ -o multibyte ]]; then echo multibyte is set; fi" )
- input+=( "[[ \"a\" = *[[:alpha:]_-][[:alpha:]]# ]] && echo yes" )
- input+=( 'git tag -a v0.98 -m "Syntax highlighting of the history entries"' )
- input+=( 'func() { echo "a" >! phist2.db; echo "b" >>! phist2.db; fc -Rap "phist2.db"; list=( ${history[@]} ); echo "${history[1]}"; }' )
- (( ${+ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING} == 0 )) && { print -zr "${(F)input}"; return 0; }
- elif [[ "$1" = "-oo" ]]; then
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- input+=( 'typeset -a list\n() {\necho "a" >! phist2.db\necho "b" >>! phist2.db\nfc -Rap "phist2.db"\nlist=( ${history[@]} )\necho "${history[2]}"\necho "${history[1]}"\necho "${#history}";\ninteger size="${#history}"\nsize+=1\necho "$size" / "${history[$size]}"\nlist=( "${history[$size]}" ${history[@]} )\n}' )
- (( ${+ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING} == 0 )) && { print -zr "${(F)input}"; return 0; }
- elif [[ "$1" = "-ooo" ]]; then
- local in='
- # This is an example code that is diverse and allows to test a theme
- text="An example quite long string $with variable in it"
- local param1="text $variable" param2='"'"'other $variable'"'"'
- math=$(( 10 + HISTSIZ + HISTSIZE + $SAVEHIST )) size=$(( 0 ))
- for (( ii = 1; ii <= size; ++ ii )); do
- if [[ "${cmds[ii]} string" = "| string" ]]
- then
- sidx=${buffer[(in:ii:)\$\(?#[^\\\\]\)]} # find opening $(
- (( sidx <= len )) && {
- eidx=${buffer[(b:sidx:ii)[^\\\\]\)]} # find closing )
- }
- fi
- done'
- (( ${+ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING} == 0 )) && { print -zr "$in"; return 0; }
- input+=( "$in" )
- input+=( "$in" )
- elif [[ "$1" = "-git" ]]; then
- local in="git lp
- git push origin master
- git commit
- git add safari.ini zdharma.ini
- git st .
- git diff --cached
- git commit --allow-empty
- git checkout themes/zdharma.ini
- git commit --amend
- git commit -m \"Example commit message\"
- git tag -a 'v1.18' -m 'Here-string is highlighted, descriptor-variables passed to exec are correctly highlighted'
- git tag -l -n9
- git checkout cb66b11
- "
- (( ${+ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING} == 0 )) && { print -zr "$in"; return 0; }
- input+=( "$in" )
- input+=( "$in" )
- elif [[ "$1" = "-hue" ]]; then
- local in="var=\$other; local var=\$other
- () { eval \"\$var\"; }
- case \$other in
- \$var)
- ( echo OK; )
- ;;
- esac
- sudo -i -s ls -1 /var/log
- () { ( eval \"command ls -1\" ); } argument"
- (( ${+ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING} == 0 )) && { print -zr "$in"; return 0; }
- input+=( "$in" "$in" )
- elif [[ "$1" = "-hol" ]]; then
- local in="var=\$( other )
- local var2=\$(( other + 1 ))
- () { eval \"\$var\"; }
- sudo -i -s ls -1 >/tmp/ls-log.txt /var/log
- IFS=\$'\\n' print -rl -- \$(command ls -1 | tee -a /tmp/ls-1.txt)
- var3=\$(( HISTSIZE + 10 + \$var ))
- local var4=\$( other command )
- touch \$(( HISTSIZE + \$SAVEHIST + 10 ))
- case \$other in
- \$var)
- ( echo OK; )
- ;;
- \$var3)
- ( if { true } { noglob echo yes } )
- esac
- ( builtin cd /var/log; ls -1; noglob cd \"/var/log\" 'log' )
- noglob cat <<<\"\$PATH\" | tr : \"\\n\"
- if [[ \"\$var\" -gt 10 ]]; then
- (( var = HISTSIZE + \$SAVEHIST ))
- fi
- /var/log
- sidx=\${buffer[(in:ii:)\\\$\\(?#[^\\\\\\\\]\\)]} # find opening cmd-subst
- {
- exec {MYFD}<&0 {MYFD2}>&1
- ( read <&\$MYFD line; echo \$line >&\$MYFD2 && { builtin print \${match[1]}Written. } )
- } always {
- (( MYFD > 0 )) && { print -rl -- -myfd:\$MYFD >&\$MYFD2 && print \"Sent.\" '(to filedescriptor)'; }
- }
- command sleep \"\$(( \$a + b + \${cde} + \${(s::)fgh[ijk]} + \\\$l + \\m + \\\" ))\"
- for (( i = 0; i <= 2; ++ i )) { print \$i; }
- "
- (( ${+ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING} == 0 )) && { print -zr "$in"; return 0; }
- input+=( "$in" )
- fi
- typeset -a long_input
- integer i
- for (( i=1; i<= 50; i ++ )); do
- long_input+=( "${input[@]}" )
- done
- typeset -F SECONDS
- local right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere
- integer path_dirs_was_set multi_func_def ointeractive_comments
- -fast-highlight-fill-option-variables
- local BUFFER
- for BUFFER in "${long_input[@]}"; do
- reply=( )
- () {
- -fast-highlight-init
- -fast-highlight-process "" "$BUFFER" "0"
- -fast-highlight-string-process "" "$BUFFER"
- }
- done
- print "Running time: $SECONDS"
- zprof | head
- # File input?
- elif [[ -r "$1" ]]; then
- # Load from given file
- local BUFFER="$(<$1)"
- typeset -F SECONDS
- reply=( )
- -fast-highlight-init
- local right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere
- integer path_dirs_was_set multi_func_def ointeractive_comments
- -fast-highlight-fill-option-variables
- () {
- -fast-highlight-process "" "$BUFFER" "0"
- -fast-highlight-string-process "" "$BUFFER"
- }
- print "Running time: $SECONDS"
- zprof | head
- # This output can be diffed to detect changes in operation
- if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
- print -rl -- "${reply[@]}" >! out.parse
- else
- print -rl -- "${reply[@]}" >! "$2"
- fi
- else
- if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
- print -u2 "Usage: ./parse.zsh {to-parse file} [region_highlight output file]"
- exit 2
- else
- print -u2 "Unreadable to-parse file \`$1', aborting"
- exit 3
- fi
- fi
- exit 0
- # vim:ft=zsh