- # Chroma Guide for F-Sy-H
- ## Motivation
- Someone might want to create a detailed highlighting for a **specific program**
- and this document helps achieving this. It explains how chroma functions – the
- code behind such detailed highlighting – are constructed and used.
- ## Keywords
- - `chroma` - a shorthand for `chroma function` – the thing that literally colorizes selected commands, like `git`, `grep`, etc. invocations, see `chroma function` below,
- - `big loop` - main highlighting code, a loop over tokens and at least 2 large structular constructs (big `if` and `case`);
- it is advanced, e.g. parses `case` statements, here-string, it basically constitutes 90% of the F-Sy-H project,
- - `chroma function` - a plugin-function that is called when a specific command occurs (e.g. when user enters `git` at
- command line) suppressing activity of `big loop` (i.e. no standard highlighting unless requested),
- - `token` - result of splitting whole command line (i.e. `$BUFFER`, the Zle variable) into bits called tokens, which are
- words in general, separated by spaces on the command line.
- ## Overview Of Functioning
- 1. Big loop is working – token by token processes command line, changes states (e.g. enters state "inside case
- statement") and in the end decides on color of the token currently processed.
- 2. Big loop occurs a command that has a chroma, e.g. `git`.
- 3. Big loop enters "chroma" state, calls associated chroma function.
- 4. Chroma takes care of "chroma" state, ensures it will be set also for next token.
- 5. "chroma" state is active, so all following tokens are routed to the chroma (in general skipping big-loop, see next items),
- 6. When processing of a single token is complete, the associated chroma returns 0
- (shell-truth) to request no further processing by the big loop.
- 7. It can also return 1 so that single, current token will be passed into big-loop
- for processing (to do a standard highlighting).
- ## Chroma-Function Arguments
- - `$1` - 0 or 1, denoting if it's the first call to the chroma, or a following one,
- - `$2` - the current token, also accessible by `$\__arg` from the upper scope -
- basically a private copy of `$__arg`; the token can be eg.: "grep",
- - `$3` - a private copy of `$_start_pos`, i.e. the position of the token in the
- command line buffer, used to add region_highlight entry (see man),
- because Zsh colorizes by *ranges* applied onto command line buffer (e.g.
- `from-10 to-13 fg=red`),
- - `$4` - a private copy of `$_end_pos` from the upper scope; denotes where current token
- ends (at which index in the string being the command line).
- So example invocation could look like this:
- ----
- chroma/-example.ch 1 "grep" "$_start_pos" "$_end_pos"
- ----
- Big-loop will be doing such calls for the user, after occurring a specific chroma-enabled command (like e.g. `awk`), and then until chroma will detect end of this chroma-enabled command (end of whole invocation, with arguments, etc.; in other words, when e.g. new line or `;`-character occurs, etc.).
- ## Example Chroma-Function
- [source,zsh]
- ----
- # -*- mode: sh; sh-indentation: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
- # Copyright (c) 2018 Sebastian Gniazdowski
- #
- # Example chroma function. It colorizes first two arguments as `builtin' style,
- # third and following arguments as `globbing' style. First two arguments may
- # be "strings", they will be passed through to normal higlighter (by returning 1).
- #
- # $1 - 0 or 1, denoting if it's first call to the chroma, or following one
- #
- # $2 - like above document says
- #
- # $3 - ...
- #
- # $4 - ...
- #
- # Other tips are:
- # - $CURSOR holds cursor position
- # - $BUFFER holds whole command line buffer
- # - $LBUFFER holds command line buffer that is left from the cursor, i.e. it's a
- # BUFFER substring 1 .. $CURSOR
- # - $RBUFFER is the same as LBUFFER but holds part of BUFFER right to the cursor
- #
- # The function receives $BUFFER but via sequence of tokens, which are shell words,
- # e.g. "a b c" is a shell word, while a b c are 3 shell words.
- #
- # FAST_HIGHLIGHT is a friendly hash array which allows to store strings without
- # creating global parameters (variables). If you need hash, go ahead and use it,
- # declaring first, under some distinct name like: typeset -gA CHROMA_EXPLE_DICT.
- # Remember to reset the hash and others at __first_call == 1, so that you have
- # a fresh state for new command.
- # Keep chroma-takever state meaning: until ;, handle highlighting via chroma.
- # So the below 8192 assignment takes care that next token will be routed to chroma.
- (( next_word = 2 | 8192 ))
- local __first_call="$1" __wrd="$2" __start_pos="$3" __end_pos="$4"
- local __style
- integer __idx1 __idx2
- (( __first_call )) && {
- # Called for the first time - new command.
- # FAST_HIGHLIGHT is used because it survives between calls, and
- # allows to use a single global hash only, instead of multiple
- # global string variables.
- FAST_HIGHLIGHT[chroma-example-counter]=0
- # Set style for region_highlight entry. It is used below in
- # '[[ -n "$__style" ]] ...' line, which adds highlight entry,
- # like "10 12 fg=green", through `reply' array.
- #
- # Could check if command `example' exists and set `unknown-token'
- # style instead of `command'
- __style=${FAST_THEME_NAME}command
- } || {
- # Following call, i.e. not the first one
- # Check if chroma should end – test if token is of type
- # "starts new command", if so pass-through – chroma ends
- [[ "$__arg_type" = 3 ]] && return 2
- if [[ "$__wrd" = -* ]]; then
- # Detected option, add style for it.
- [[ "$__wrd" = --* ]] && __style=${FAST_THEME_NAME}double-hyphen-option || \
- __style=${FAST_THEME_NAME}single-hyphen-option
- else
- # Count non-option tokens
- (( FAST_HIGHLIGHT[chroma-example-counter] += 1, __idx1 = FAST_HIGHLIGHT[chroma-example-counter] ))
- # Colorize 1..2 as builtin, 3.. as glob
- if (( FAST_HIGHLIGHT[chroma-example-counter] <= 2 )); then
- if [[ "$__wrd" = \"* ]]; then
- # Pass through, fsh main code will do the highlight!
- return 1
- else
- __style=${FAST_THEME_NAME}builtin
- fi
- else
- __style=${FAST_THEME_NAME}globbing
- fi
- fi
- }
- # Add region_highlight entry (via `reply' array).
- # If 1 will be added to __start_pos, this will highlight "oken".
- # If 1 will be subtracted from __end_pos, this will highlight "toke".
- # $PREBUFFER is for specific situations when users does command \<ENTER>
- # i.e. when multi-line command using backslash is entered.
- #
- # This is a common place of adding such entry, but any above code can do
- # it itself (and it does in other chromas) and skip setting __style to
- # this way disable this code.
- [[ -n "$__style" ]] && (( __start=__start_pos-${#PREBUFFER}, __end=__end_pos-${#PREBUFFER}, __start >= 0 )) && reply+=("$__start $__end ${FAST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$__style]}")
- # We aren't passing-through, do obligatory things ourselves.
- # _start_pos=$_end_pos advainces pointers in command line buffer.
- (( this_word = next_word ))
- _start_pos=$_end_pos
- return 0
- ----