You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
2.0 KiB

return {
opts = {},
-- Optional dependencies
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
config = function()
default_file_explorer = true,
buf_options = {
buflisted = false,
bufhidden = "hide",
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foldcolumn = "0",
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list = false,
conceallevel = 3,
concealcursor = "nvic",
delete_to_trash = false,
skip_confirm_for_simple_edits = false,
prompt_save_on_select_new_entry = true,
cleanup_delay_ms = 2000,
keymaps = {
["g?"] = "actions.show_help",
["<CR>"] = "",
["<C-s>"] = "actions.select_vsplit",
["<C-h>"] = false,
["<C-t>"] = "actions.select_tab",
["<C-v>"] = "actions.preview",
["<C-c>"] = "actions.close",
["<C-l>"] = false,
["-"] = "actions.parent",
["_"] = "actions.open_cwd",
["`"] = "",
["~"] = "actions.tcd",
["gs"] = "actions.change_sort",
["gx"] = "actions.open_external",
["g."] = "actions.toggle_hidden",
use_default_keymaps = false,
view_options = {
show_hidden = true,
is_hidden_file = function(name, _)
return vim.startswith(name, ".")
is_always_hidden = function(_, _)
return false
sort = {
{ "type", "asc" },
{ "name", "asc" },
preview = {
max_width = 0.9,
min_width = { 40, 0.4 },
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winblend = 0,
progress = {
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min_width = { 40, 0.4 },
width = nil,
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min_height = { 5, 0.1 },
height = nil,
border = "rounded",
minimized_border = "none",
win_options = {
winblend = 0,
vim.keymap.set("n", "-", function()
end, { desc = "Open parent directory" })