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25 lines
803 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. alias \
  3. q='exit' \
  4. ls="ls --color=auto" \
  5. ll="ls -G -alh" \
  6. dd='sudo dd status=progress' \
  7. h="history 1 | grep" \
  8. vim='nvim' \
  9. grep='grep --color=auto' \
  10. p='sudo pacman' \
  11. extip='curl -s' \
  12. gitup='git push origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)' \
  13. gco='git checkout' \
  14. gbls='git --no-pager branch -a' \
  15. vv='nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim' \
  16. vz='nvim ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc' \
  17. va='nvim ~/.config/aliasrc && source ~/.zshrc' \
  18. sz='source ~/.zshrc' \
  19. delorig='find . -name "*.orig" -exec rm {} \;' \
  20. delbak='find . -name "*.bak" -exec rm {} \;' \
  21. cpp="rsync --progress --recursive" \
  22. sv="sudo nvim" \
  23. c="xclip -selection clipboard" \
  24. v="xclip -selection clipboard -o" \
  25. lf="lfcd"