- #!/bin/sh
- # start waybar and programs with tray icons after pause
- waybar_loop() {
- # restart waybar on crash (after suspend mode)
- while [ $WAYBAR_RESTARTS != 6 ]; do # limited to 5 restars
- pgrep Hyprland || break # exit if Hyprland is not running
- waybar
- notify-send -a "start-in-tray.sh" "Waybar crashed!"
- sleep 1
- done
- }
- # wait for xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland to start
- until pgrep -f 'xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland'; do echo 'test' && sleep 2; done
- # override monitor for workspace 2 and 4 with eDP-2
- # hyprctl monitors | grep eDP-2 && \
- # hyprctl --batch "keyword workspace 2,monitor:eDP-2 ; keyword workspace 4,monitor:eDP-2"
- waybar_loop &
- sleep 1 # wait for waybar
- nm-applet --indicator &
- # crow &
- # syncthingtray --wait &
- XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=gnome telegram-desktop &
- # blueman-applet &
- hyprctl dispatch workspace 1
- # hyprctl dispatch moveworkspacetomonitor 2 0